At 28 weeks, my hubby and I finally started talking about names. We had off and on for a month or so but nothing really felt comfortable. Last weekend we sat down and said it was time to name our little Bitt. It has been the first truly step forward we have done. We are thinking of the future finally.
Well I looked through all the baby books I had used naming my Sarah and found sticky notes with names on them. I added them all to our list but those were the first we crossed out. I guess those were just too close to the pain we still feel about our angel. I wrote and read for hours on Sunday. Hubby picked up my list and quickly marked out all but about 8 names.
We had agreed we wanted a biblical name that had a special meaning for us. Joanna was a name I had brought up a while back just because my granddaddy is sick and wanted to find a way to name our little girl after him if something would happen. He is John Henry and I could only find a few names for a girl that reminded me of John at all. We did not really talk about the name and were looking at Hannah for a while.
Then on my list Joanna was not marked out. Hubby asked me the meaning of it and I said, “God’s precious gift.” That was it for us. We know our little girl is a precious gift being sent to us from God. It was amazing how simple and fitting the name seems to be. We are now calling her a mix of Bitt and Joanna. It’s so much more real when she has a name. Our little girl… Joanna.
Here and Now
9 years ago