6:30 My water broke! I told my hubby and he freaked. I was having no contractions so I told him to take a shower and put the car seat in the car. I washed a load of clothes for the hospital. I called my doc and he told me to come in when I had gotten ready. So, I took my shower and hubby helped me finish packing my stuff for labor.
8:00 We left for the hospital with freshly washed clothes. I was still having no contractions.
8:05 In the car (sitting on a towel) I had my first contraction. It was mild and only lasted 20 seconds or so.
8:10 I had my second contraction. It’s a 30 minute drive to the hospital so we time the rest of the contractions which were 4 or 5 minutes apart each time. They were contractions but nothing painful yet.
8:45 We checked into the treash (sp) room to make sure I was in labor and my water was broken. I was hooked up to monitors to check on my contractions and Joanna.
9:15 My doc checked me and my water had broken. He said I was 1 cm dilated, cervix was high so it would be late afternoon or that night before I would deliver. This was good since there were NO beds and my doc was going to be in surgery from 11 until 1. My contractions were 4 minutes apart and lasting about a minute and growing in intensity.
9:45 My contractions were getting so intense I started to have to do my breathing. (Okay it was more like moaning!) We are still not in a room so hubby has not even gotten time to call anyone or bring in our stuff.
10:15 I told the nurse I was feeling pressure. The nurse called and told them we had to have a room NOW! She did not want to deliver me. I was moaning in pain with contractions one on top of the next. She started my IV for the epidural I wanted.
10:30 I got 10 mg of newbane (sp) to help with the pain and finally got taken to a room.
10:45 The Midwife checked me since my doc was not around and I was 4 or 5 cm. Hubby went outside to call the family and get our stuff.
11:20 I asked if I can push. They checked me and I am 8 cm! Hubby got back from calling the family and getting our stuff to hear them giving me the okay to push!
11:30 I started pushing with no epidural since my blood work was not back yet!
11:45 Hubby almost passed out after watching 4 nurses try to hold me still.
11:55 The midwife wanted me to help finish delivering Joanna (she was very forceful and would not finish delivery until I gave her my hands). I finally opened my eyes (they were closed since labor started.)
11:59 I delivered Joanna after her head and shoulders where out. She was small… perfect… and in my arms!
12:05 We found out Joanna’s cord had a “true knot.”
She scored a 9 out of 9 in the agar score! She was alert and blowing bubbles as hubby held her!
So to sum it up… I was in labor for less than 4 hours, I got no pain meds, my doc was in surgery so it was a midwife delivery, I delivered the second half of my daughter, I cut the cord, Joanna’ birth was a miracle.
Here and Now
9 years ago