My fairy princess, my Sarah,
You are the blessing of my life and you changed my life forever. It’s been two years since you went to heaven and I honestly never thought this day would come. I did not think I could live without you for two years but somehow the days turned into weeks and then years. I think of you and love you still every moment of everyday. I have had to work hard to find my new normal but I would not trade who you made me for anything. Because of you I am a mother, because of you I understand unconditional love, because of you I am a better mother to your little sister. I am thankful I got to touch your life even if it was for the briefest of moments but know my daughter you have touched my life forever. Thank you for being your little sister’s guardian angel. She is the answers to our prayers and a special gift sent to us from you on your first angel day. Sarah you are remembered!
Love always,
Your mommy
Here and Now
9 years ago